We Provide Award-Winning Historic Building Restoration
At All Trades we share a unique love and passion for preserving our most treasured historic buildings and monuments. From courthouses, churches, and libraries to Residential homes and Commercial hotels, All Trades is determined to satisfy every client to ensure their building is meticulously cared for. These timeless structures, built with dedication, hard work, and craftsmanship by our predecessors, are part of our past which All Trades are honored to preserve.
Below you’ll find a small sample of our projects, including many award-winning historic building restorations.

Bok Tower Gardens, Lake Wales FL

Centro Asturiano, Ybor City FL

Centro Español, Ybor City FL

St. Mary Our Lady of Grace Church

Cuscaden Pool, Ybor City FL

Doak S. Campbell Stadium, Tallahassee FL

Donald Roebling Estate, Clearwater FL

First Presbyterian Church, Plant City

First United Methodist Church, Plant City FL

First United Methodist Church, St. Petersburg FL

Florida State Historical Capitol Building

Greater Bethel Missionary Baptist, Tampa FL

Historic Bethel AME, St. Petersburg FL

Historical Museum and Village, Sanibel Island FL

Johnson County Court House, Warrensburg MO

La Beneficia, Ybor City FL

Paulding County Courthouse, Paulding OH

Residential Restoration

Ritz Historic Inn, Ocala FL
Sacred Heart Catholic Church, Tampa FL

Sanibel Lighthouse, Sanibel Island FL

Scovanner Pavilion, Eckard College

St. James House of Prayer, Tampa FL

Terrace Hotel, Lakeland FL

Turlington Building, Tallahassee FL

Union Trust Bank, St. Petersburg FL

Van Wert County Courthouse, Van Wert OH

Vinoy Resort, St. Petersburg FL

Williams House USF, St. Petersburg FL

Ybor Cemetery, Yboy City FL

1514 East 7th Ave, Ybor City FL

2501 N. Armenia, Tampa FL